Every year the "Ye Mystic Krewe of Gasparilla" hosts the world famous Gasparilla Parade in Tampa, Florida. This historic event not only provides fun and entertainment for the city of Tampa, but it also contributes to the success and well being of the Bay Area's economy. Not convinced? In 2015 the Gasparilla 100th edition had an enormous impact of over $23 million on Tampa Bay's economy.
It is safe to say that Gasparilla's rich tradition has ultimately been for the good of our beautiful city. And that is why it was a pleasure to have our Bay Breaks Entertainment B-Bboys (a.k.a breakdancers) partner with the Tampa Bay Rays in providing some of the most exciting and engaging live entertainment. With local legend DJ Fresh on the ones & twos, the always fun Raymond Ray and DJ Kitty, our Bay Breaks Entertainment B-Boys and the rest of the Ray’s Float team members, we were without a doubt a fan favorite. Well at least I hope we were a favorite, considering the fact that we tumbled, danced, performed acrobatics and put our lives on the line with 5 miles worth of tricks and power moves.
All in all, Gasparilla 2017 was an amazing experience for our Bay Breaks Entertainment breakdancers. As an entertainment company, we are grateful that we have been given the opportunity to partake in a tradition that has impacted the city we love so much.
(Feel free to check out the video by clicking the image below.)